This is how tooth grinding can ruin your sleep

This is how tooth grinding can ruin your sleep

The quality of your teeth and the quality of your sleep are more closely linked than you might expect.Bruxism, or ‘teeth-grinding’, is a term that describes the clenching of the jaw and subsequent grinding together of teeth during sleep. It can sometimes also happen while you’re awake.What causes it?While the exact cause of Bruxism is not known, studies have linked it to things like stress, anxiety, alcohol and sleep apnea.What are its effects?While it might not sounds like such a big deal, Bruxism can actually have a really big impact on your sleep and quality of life.The disorder can cause moderate to severe dental damage with subsequent jaw pain and sleep disturbance, leading to daytime tiredness.How is it treated?Bruxism is usually diagnosed with a Level-1 sleep study. Once diagnosed, common treatment includes a dental device which reduces the damage to the teeth, and jaw alignment exercises which can also be integreated into the treatment process to assist with the pain.If you think Bruxism is something you might suffer from, then please book an appointment with your dentist, and get in touch with us. We’d love to help you make sure your teeth are protected, and that you’re getting the best sleep possible.Sleep well, live well.